About this website
This website presents two novels and a collection of short stories, all set in the universe of the Elite:Dangerous video game. Unfortunately, those books are in French and no translation is on the agenda for now.
The books
Les Diamants de l'Empire (Diamonds of the Empire) and Le Prix de la Liberté (Price of Freedom) are my first novels revolving around the characters of Banteay Srei and Helena Savnea : the birth of their relationship, and their quest for freedom.
À la Croisée des Étoiles (At the Crossroads of Stars) is a collection of short stories written by several pilots during an expedition organized by the DSN. In this gallery of colorful portraits, you will cross some skilled, beginners, disillusioned pilots, and some guardian angels.
This website was created using assets and imagery from the video game Elite:Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.
For more information, please visit www.elitedangerous.com.